 Szymon Prize 
 Szymon Sadowski'96 
 Feelings Blue 
ar  Letter from Professor Richard C. Levin, president of Yale University 
Anna Wojcik '09,
the inaugural Szymon Sadowski Scholar,
on meeting Szymon's parents




  When I first found out that I had received the Szymon Sadowski Memorial Scholarship, I wanted to find out something more about him. However, no matter how much information I found out on my own, what I realized after meeting Mr. and Ms. Sadowski is that nothing can do justice to the character and spirit of a person like Szymon except a conversation with his parents.

When I visited the Sadowski home recently, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from our first meeting. Any doubts I may have had, however, were quickly erased when I realized what amazing people Mr. and Ms. Sadowski are. I was welcomed with open arms and treated as if we had known each other for years. The candidness and sincerity of our conversations truly touched me and allowed to get a slight glimpse into the tremendous impact their young son had, and continues to have, on so many people. I laughed when I heard about his crazy haircuts and yet was in complete awe of the way he handled his illness. Szymon’s parents shared with me their stories, both happy and sometimes painful. For that I am grateful because they gave me an amazing opportunity to get to know the most important person in their lives. After my visit, I felt complete regret at never having met such an incredible person and yet I still find myself missing him all the same. 

I’m more grateful for this weekend then I could have ever imagined I would be when buying my plane ticket. Ms. Sadowski mentioned more than once her belief that everything happens for a reason and that our meeting and friendship was no exception. I was honored to be welcomed into the Sadowski home and family and am sure that my visit was one of many to come.


Anna Wojcik